
Материал из SS220 Sierra (Space Station 13)
Версия от 17:52, 6 мая 2019; imported>Semorerith (синоним)
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Могес, хоть по большей части и является планетой с пустынной местностью, всё же имеет несколько океанов. Острова в Могесских океанах населены Йоза'Унатхи, пришедших сюда из Солёных Болот тысячи лет назад.


Йоза'Унатхи больше приспособлены к водной среде чем их "сухие" собратья . Они меньше Синта'Унатхи; рост не превышает двух метров, при этом самки пропорциональны самцам. Их зубы и в особенности клыки меньше чем у Синта, однако у них намного больше загнутых назад клыков, подобных клыкам рептилий; примечательно также наличие четырёх верхних ядовитых клыков. У них длинные уплощённые хвосты и плавники, благодаря которым они могут плыть со скоростью до 7 м/c. Их сноровка под водой обусловлена их дыхательной системой, включающей объёмные лёгкие, участки кожи на спине, способные к кожному дыханию, и жабры, позволяющие дышать под водой. Их глаза с вертикальными зрачками позволяют им видеть под водой и в темноте. Их обоняние в воздушной среде схоже с таковым у Синта, однако под водой их ноздри закрываются. Вся поверхность тела имеет невромасты - рецепторы, реагирующие на давление воды; их наличие позволяет ощущать столь малые изменения в воде вроде упавшей на поверхность капли. Кожа на их спине . Чешуя на спине отсутсвует, из-за чего Йоза изготавливают утолщённую сзади броню, похожую на черепаший панцирь. Их способность к регенерации медленнее чем у Синта, к тому же их устойчивость к изменениям значительно слабее, однако Йоза крайне невосприимчивы к ядам. Они более теплолюбивые чем свои собратья. Большинство из них имеет синий или зелёный окрас, однако некоторые мутировавшие Йозу'Унатхи могут быть красными. Свежевылупившиеся Йоза очень прожорливы, из-за чего они часто заплывают в поисках еды во время брачного периода, известного как "Красная волна".


Йоза'Унатхи известны благодаря своему мягкому характеру, они предпочитают общение активной деятельности намного больше, чем другие Синта. Наиболее спокойные личности способны сидеть на освещенных террасах много часов подряд почти неподвижно, ведя беседы на философские или любые другие темы. При работе предпочитают надевать тяжелую одежду, которая предотвращает потери тепла. Хотя они могут казаться сонными, унатхи способны к проявлению внезапных вспышек силы и взрывной скорости. Они постоянно осознают свое окружение, часто указывая на то, что запахи людей и инопланетян чрезвычайно очевидны. Интимные жесты между Йоза'Унатхи включают в себя поворот шеи, обвивание хвостом, прикосновение головами или носиками. Дополнительные жесты включают в себя потирание и нюхание лица партнера, а также сжимание локтей, где находятся чувствительные ямки. Обнажение горла - самое значимое выражение доверия к другому унатхи. Это часто используется как проявление чрезвычайного доверия, сострадания или признания стыда. В некоторых почетных ситуациях вполне допустимо царапать или куснуть открытое горло. В других ситуациях такое поведение недопустимо.


Yeosa’unathi, as it known in Galactic Common, is a similar language structure to basic Sinta, although its vocal range is by far wider, the volume far louder, and it uses heavy gesticulation in order to aid with being understood while undersea. It sounds like an animal to the human ear, with harsh syllables and extended phrases that seem to have either no breaks in syllable count or far too many. The written language is similar to the Sinta’Unathi in that it is based around a circular structure, with words and phrases represented by curves, long, bent lines, sharp marks, and of course, circles. All of it seems like what someone with claws would write into the dirt.


Yeosa often take up multiple sets of names, normally having a Family Name, which is simply the location they were born, an important ancestor, or their clan’s name, a Personal Name, which is made up by the Unathi in question to be used by friends, casual situations, and Sol Central Government ID Cards. Lastly, there is the Working Name, which is reflective of their achievements and ‘style’ in which they do what they do. Personal names and working names are often fluid, and can be changed for any number of reasons. It is a social faux-pas to use any of ones’ names aside from their personal name unless the individual tells you to. When speaking to superiors, it is considered formal and respectful to refer to them by the extended name of their command. A clan leader would be referred to by the name of their clan, a squad leader by the name of their squad, and a captain of a ship by the name of the ship. Sezal Gios Insthys is a member of the Insthys Clan, born on Sezal, and he identifies with his ancestor Gios. Once Gios became a full-grown, he took the name Garr Azaroz. His engineering friends know he is named Fleetmaker, as he has so far achieved making half of his home clan’s boats.

Общество (перенести в поведение?)

They are very socially inclined compared to their somewhat insular at times cousins. A key component of their culture is a belief in equivalent exchange. Gift-giving, and revenge are almost key. It is expected that gifts are reciprocated, especially if the value has been magnified in giving back. Faults are expected to be corrected, and it is also expected that insults have the favor returned, sometimes this response can be in the form of a duel. For this purpose, all Yeosa carry a decorated rope harness which contains two knives, made of wood and the teeth of any beast. They are made when the Yeosa is a teenager, and if drawn, they cannot be put back until they draw blood.

Положение самок

The gender dynamic in the Yeosa is more egalitarian than their Sinta counterparts. Men and women still have (somewhat looser) gender roles as Sinta’Unathi, with the primary exception of fishing. However, notably, there is a concept of a third gender. Every so often, a great ritual will take place in which a Yeosa individual inhales a sacred herb and takes the role of ‘Caretaker.’ They lose their genitalia and gain in size, their scales becoming much brighter, their features much more androgynous. They are expected to take care of all children, and also to perform medicinal roles (although the default two sexes can do this just fine to a lesser degree). Among the Yeosa they believe that a soul could have been given a body of the different sex when developing before birth. This means that a particularly strong-willed female with aspirations to enter a traditionally masculine field could be said to have the soul of a man trapped in a woman's body and visa versa. In relationships, Yeosa who request and admit attraction to another will go to the one who is responsible for their well-being (caretaker, or Kaahnepo) and tell them this. Boasting or offering tributes to the caretaker may make this process go more smoothly. To ignore this ritual and directly try to claim said Unathi would greatly upset their caretaker, and not only will their clan look poorly on them for attempting so, but they will likely be challenged to a bane, a form of duel combat. Two males or females who wish to be wed will find themselves questioned. That being said, no one especially cares about casual same-sex experimentation.

Островные кланы

The Yeosa’Unathi territories cover a great many islands, but some are more relevant than others. Below is a list of the most major.


The largest of the islands, Sezal is the home of craft. A surprise came not long after the first contact with other races, when it was discovered that this island was a docking facility, containing three Precursor service and repair vessels, sized similarly to APCs. These were loaded with designs both basic and advanced for equipment and buildings and were used later to construct a large communications array upon the island, as well as a relatively ‘dinky’ spaceport. Reports show that construction is still ongoing inside of the facility, though it is unknown at this time what. One of their great ancestors is the mighty Zhizi, who had constructed the majority of the original longships used to leave the Salt Swamps for bluer pastures almost by himself.


Uluzar is known as the home of warriors, and it gained this reputation through its own native hardships. Vast aquatic beasts dwell near her waters, and plenty of creatures on the sands are equally dangerous. They are renowned beast tamers, as well as gardeners. Many plants of carnivorous or poisonous variety grow here, imported from their homelands long ago. These are used to great extent for traps and trickeries. Their island is one of the most fortified, having high walls and plenty of cannons to spare. One of their ancestors is Ruzaski, known for her expertise in hunting, having once defeated an amphibious creature the size of a bus built similarly to a nautilus, which was destroying the Sezalian coastline.


Akale is the home of trade, and oddly enough, the islands’ native population is very sparse. The people of Akale conduct their business mostly from their vast Zeul, an almost terrifyingly large ship used for freight and for living. They are renowned sailors and utilize smaller longboats attached to their clan vessel to travel down the rivers of the planet, is known for their great knowledge of the area as well, knowing spots of great mineral wealth, fishing, and of course, sights. Often journeymen today leave to the drier Sinta clans or even space for varying reasons, whether plying their trade for additional wealth or simple distaste for their current environment, a need for new sights even. They come in any amount, from a lone wandering craftsman to a caravan of musicians. One of their important ancestors was Uszeal, known his attracting of business to the Akale clans through elaborate river-side carnivals.


The entire Unathi civilization is based around clans, and the Yeosa are no exception. Everyone in a clan has a specific role, or task, that they are to fulfill alongside the others in the clan. The Kaahnepo is the leader of the clan and delegates these roles to others, while the Caretaker handles the medicine work, the faith of the clan and watches over the young. Clan law changes from Clan to Clan, leaving the islands as vast, convoluted networks of clan laws, traditions common and obscure, and fighting across a number of clans who just do not get along. Clanless Some Yeosa view clan law, or their way of lives in general, to be meaningless and renounce it. Some have broken that law, such as an unwarranted killing, or the intentional injury of a Caretaker. These are Clanless, an underclass of the Yeosa similar to Sinta Guwandi. They typically dwell on the outskirts of civilization, or even in underwater lagoons and on beachfront territory considered too hostile for even Unathi to live. Some have found their way into space, obviously. They are viewed as the ultimate in dishonor, as they do not possess a clan, and cannot possess the attributes that make an Unathi an Unathi. Often, they rename themselves, as they are forbidden to use their family names, or even invoke the name of an ancestor out loud. These new names can range from mundane, short and gruff, to long and flowery.